Card Stock

Blank plastic cards, RFID cards, and more.

We provide blank plastic cards (PVC card stock), RFID technology cards, PROX, and more.

With over 20 years of experience in card design, our team knows how to make a great looking card. After a brief conversation we can put together card proofs for your ideal card. Call or email us to request samples.

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Card Features - Adding Security

Adding extra features like foil hot-stamps, holograms and tactile impressions creates a more secure card that is harder to reproduce.


We offer every form of PVC and technology cards at a competitive price. Place your card order over the phone by calling us at 800-599-7385.

With over 20 years of experience in card design, our team knows how to make a great looking card. After a brief conversation we can put together card proofs for your ideal card. If you would like to request samples please call or email us and we will be happy to provide exactly what you need.

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