Primacy Card Printer
The Evolis Primacy ID printer is a fast, high-quality card printer for all types of printing. Choose from single or dual-sided units with add-on lamination modules.
Evolis' eco-design system is aimed at reducing the environmental footprint from printing products. Evolis uses recycled materials and consumables whenever possible and designs compact, lightweight printers to reduce CO2 emissions from transportation and packaging.
SPEED: Up to 225 single-sided color cards per hour and 140 double-sided cards per hour.
ENCODING: RFID, magnetic stripe, contact chip, and contactless chip encoding.
VOLUME: More than 30,000 cards per year with a 1-3 year card lifespan.
QUALITY: Customizable 300 x 600 dpi resolution.
Primacy with Lamination Unit
Evolis has recently announced the availability of its new product, Primacy Lamination. The lamination module is available as an add on unit for all Primacy ID Printers sold after March 2013.
The Primacy Lamination module allows you to laminate your cards, with or without holograms, adding durability and quality to your cards. With a Primacy Lamination printer, your ID cards will have maximum durability and a high level of security.